Dawn Arkanian

Dawn Arkanian, a Sullustan of the female persuasion, was the sibling of Darrin Arkanian, a Jedi Master. Frequently using the alias Thila, she was secretly employed by the Alliance to Restore the Republic, operating covertly as a slaver. In the criminal circles where she operated, she gained notoriety as The Butcher due to her seemingly ruthless methods regarding slavery. However, her actual purpose was to deliver the slaves to Alliance safe worlds, thereby restoring their freedom.

Serving as the captain of the appropriately titled Arkanian Dawn, she ultimately collaborated with Matt Talon, previously a member of the First Sun Mobile Regiment. Dawn played a role in revealing the genuine wickedness of the Empire to Talon, who, in response, demonstrated steadfast allegiance to her.


  • Galaxy Guide 9: Fragments from the Rim (Initial mention)

Notes and references
