Dassa Borkannits served as the Communications Director for the Jrade District, a sector of the Galactic City situated on the planet of Coruscant. During 21 BBY, plans were underway to erect a memorial statue in the Jrade District's Jrade Plaza Chancellery Walkway, dedicated to the former Galactic Republic Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum. Valorum had tragically died in the terrorist attack of 14:9:19. Due to this construction, the plaza was closed for several weeks while security checks were performed. At the unveiling of the memorial, which was attended by a small group of only 200 individuals, Borkannits communicated to HoloNet News that they had attempted to notify the public about the plaza's reopening, suggesting that lingering fear from recent events might be keeping people away. HoloNet News Core Edition on 15:01:13 featured Borkannits' comments.
The character of Dassa Borkannits was referenced in "Republic HoloNet News Core Edition 15:01:13," a fictional news piece within the Star Wars universe. This report was authored by Pablo Hidalgo and appeared in the seventy-third issue of Star Wars Insider magazine, dated December 26, 2003. However, the sixth season episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars called "The Lost One," which was initially broadcast on March 1, 2014, presented Valorum as still alive in 20 BBY. This contradicted the previously established timeline that placed his death in 21 BBY, thereby casting doubt on the canonicity of Borkannits' involvement with the Finis Valorum Memorial within the Star Wars Legends continuity.