Darth Zavakon

Darth Zavakon was a male Dark Lord of the Sith, either Human or of Sith pureblood heritage. He distinguished himself as an original member of the Dark Council, which governed the Sith Empire. Zavakon, in his capacity as the overseer of the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge, is credited with founding the Imperial Reclamation Service.


In the twilight years of the Sith Empire, a male Sith Lord known as Darth Zavakon, of either Human or Sith pureblood lineage, existed. Following the Galactic Republic's victory in the Great Hyperspace War, Zavakon joined the surviving Sith in their departure from the planet of Korriban in 4999 BBY. The Sith exodus culminated in 4980 BBY at Dromund Kaas. There, the Sith Emperor established a new Empire, and Zavakon was selected as one of the twelve Dark Lords of the Sith to constitute the Dark Council, the ruling body of the Empire. Focusing his efforts on the recovery and study of ancient knowledge as his designated area of influence, Zavakon observed that the Empire was hindered by the reluctance of other Sith to disseminate information. Consequently, he deployed a team composed of archaeologists and military officers to explore ruins previously examined by other Sith. The substantial finds made by Zavakon's team convinced the Dark Council to authorize the creation of the Imperial Reclamation Service, a military organization dedicated to the preservation of knowledge.

Behind the scenes

The character of Darth Zavakon was first presented within the 2012 reference work, Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia, specifically within the section detailing the Imperial Reclamation Service.


  • Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia (First mentioned)

Notes and references
