Darth Vader #25 marks the twenty-fifth installment of the 2020 canon comic book series titled Star Wars: Darth Vader. Greg Pak is the writer of this issue, while Raffaele Ienco and Carlos Lopez provided the illustrations. Marvel Comics released it on July 20, 2022.
The Sith's Dark Lord is in relentless pursuit of a corrupt Imperial governor. But the question is, does Vader remain focused on his mission to establish order, or have his past encounters stirred up new motivations within him? Simultaneously, Sabé, Padmé Amidala's handmaiden, and Ochi of Bestoon, the Sith's assassin, are two of the most contrasting figures in the galaxy. When circumstances force them to collaborate under Vader's influence, and conflict becomes inevitable, who will ultimately prevail? And what words will this solitary survivor offer when Vader eventually returns?
Tauntaza, a Governor, is on the run on Gabredor III, escaping with a Crimson Dawn operative using a speeder bike. As Darth Vader gives chase, Tauntaza instructs a B1 battle droid on another speeder bike to detonate its ammo mag. The droid expresses doubt about survival, but Lord Vader uses his lightsaber to deflect the blast.
The Crimson Dawn operative is alarmed by Vader's pursuit. Tauntaza urges focus and questions whether Crimson Dawn's next extraction will be more successful, considering Vader's threat. The operative directs Tauntaza to their twin ion engine transport, assuring her that Vader is unable to fly. Tauntaza responds that she can escape into space, giving her the advantage in choosing the next battleground.
After the Governor and her allies board the transport, Vader attempts to use the Force to bring it down. At Tauntaza's insistence, the Crimson Dawn operatives activate their twin ion engines. Despite Vader's reputation, Tauntaza asserts that there are forces in the galaxy more powerful than him. Vader's efforts damage the ship, but the Crimson Dawn starship manages to escape. The lead Crimson Dawn operative claims that Crimson Dawn always succeeds, but Tauntaza instructs him to take her to her destination so she can prepare for the true battle. Meanwhile, on the ground, an Imperial Lambda-class shuttle approaches Lord Vader.
Ochi informs the others at the Gabredor III science colony that Lord Vader has left on the Imperial shuttle for the Governor's flagship, leaving them behind. When Ochi asks Sabé to request a transport from the colony, Sabé replies that Vader would have ordered them to join him if he had wanted them to. She emphasizes that they have a mission to complete. Aira and ZED-6-7 confirm that the Governor was utilizing the facility to process energy extracted from the planet. Aira is uncertain about the purpose of the energy extraction. ZED-6-7 offers to access the data bank for further details.
When Ochi declares his intention to find a transport to follow Vader, Sabé orders him to remain and follow instructions. Surrounded by stormtroopers, Ochi boasts about his skills as a master assassin, claiming he can eliminate them swiftly. Ochi questions the stormtroopers' obedience to a rebel sympathizer. ZED reminds Ochi that Sabé has been granted the title of Lieutenant Commander, with Sabé adding that Vader himself bestowed the title.
Simultaneously, Vader's shuttle nears the Imperial Star Destroyer. Two Imperial Navy officers inform the bridge crew that Governor Tauntaza has been identified as a traitor against the Galactic Empire, instructing them to allow Lord Vader to board and apprehend her. The ship's commanding officer expresses disbelief. Vader forces his way onto the command bridge, eliminating numerous Imperial Navy officers and B1 battle droids with his lightsaber.
On the bridge, Vader demands to know Tauntaza's location. The commanding officer claims that the Governor is away on a mission and insists it's a misunderstanding, urging Vader to reconsider his aggressive stance. Vader orders a communications officer to contact his Super Star Destroyer Executor. He commands his crew to destroy Governor Tauntaza's flagship if he doesn't countermand the order within two hours. Vader reiterates his demand for the Governor's whereabouts.
Kitster Banai arrives at the science colony with news of an approaching storm. Sabé explains that they cannot leave because the Governor is attempting to drain Gabredor III's living energy. Zed reveals that he has discovered the technology Tauntaza is using. Ochi suggests waiting for the storm to pass before carrying out their mission to assassinate the Governor. Sabé counters that the Governor is responsible for creating the storm. ZED clarifies that the storm is an artificially generated sandstorm heading towards them.
Sabé assigns Kitster the task of evacuating the freed conscripts, but Aira suggests that she might need their assistance in dismantling Tauntaza's weapon. Kitster advises Aira to take shelter at the science colony while he accompanies Sabé to investigate the impending threat. When Ochi suggests finding shelter, Sabé instructs him to join them. Sabé, Kitster, Ochi, and the stormtroopers ride speeder bikes towards the storm, discovering that a large vehicle with tank tracks is the source of the storm.
As they approach the vehicle, Kitster and his speeder bike are swept away. Ochi suggests abandoning the mission, but Sabé insists on finding Kitster. Sabé is also swept away, prompting Ochi to inquire about leaving with a stormtrooper. Meanwhile, Vader's shuttle descends into the storm vortex. An officer explains that Tauntaza has a facility below. Despite the crew's doubts about survival, Lord Vader orders them to navigate the shuttle through the vortex. Although the storm damages the shuttle, Vader uses his Force abilities to land it in a nearby forest.
On the ground, Ochi informs Lord Vader that Sabé disappeared within the storm and is presumed dead. When Ochi suggests seeking shelter and requesting extraction from the Executor, a local villager disagrees, believing the storm will be fatal. When Vader inquires about their ships, the villager explains that the Governor confiscated all flying vehicles. He adds that all their speeders are wrecked except for Kitster's racer, which he doubts anyone can operate. Vader declares his intention to try the racer.
B1-series battle droids make an appearance in Darth Vader (2020) #25, serving both Crimson Dawn and the Galactic Empire. When questioned about the Empire's reliance on battle droids, Greg Pak couldn't recall the specific reason but speculated that it might have been simply because the team liked battle droids and had permission to include them.