Darth Vader (2015) 15

The comic book titled Darth Vader 15, a Marvel publication, features the creative talents of Kieron Gillen as the writer and Salvador Larroca as the artist. This issue marks the fifteenth installment in the Star Wars: Darth Vader series from 2015, and it also serves as the concluding chapter, the sixth issue, of the Star Wars: Vader Down crossover event with Star Wars. Its release date was January 6, 2016.

What the Publisher Said

Storyline Synopsis

In the Midst of Conflict

As C-3PO attempts to establish communication with Princess Leia Organa, a lightsaber duel ensues between Darth Vader and Commander Karbin. C-3PO informs Leia that Luke Skywalker has been apprehended by stormtroopers, a Wookiee has injured Chewbacca, and is trying to remove Captain Han Solo's head. C-3PO also mentions that some "terrible" droids have taken his arms.

While Leia points her blaster at Vader, she is plagued by visions of the destruction of Alderaan. Following that, Leia has a vision of Skywalker, Solo, and Chewbacca deceased. Leia instructs C-3PO to assist Solo as much as possible and assures him that they will escape.

Simultaneously, Dr Aphra contacts Vader, informing him that Karbin's forces are transporting Skywalker onto a Lambda-class shuttle. With Vader engaged with Karbin, Aphra persuades him to give her a chance to make up for accidentally leading him into a trap. Vader instructs Aphra to pay attention.

With his arms malfunctioning, C-3PO tries to "reason" with Krrsantan, who is attacking Solo. C-3PO reassures R2-D2 that they can find a civilized solution, but Black Krrsantan punches C-3PO. However, he is shocked by the damaged droid's circuits and becomes unconscious.

Karbin's Demise

In the meantime, Vader guides Karbin onto a natural stone bridge. Karbin mocks Vader for attempting to flee, but the Sith Lord responds that Karbin has no future. At that moment, Aphra pilots her starship, Ark Angel, into the stone bridge, killing Karbin. As the ship crashes, Aphra ejects herself.

The remnants of the Ark Angel and Karbin fall to the bottom of the rockface. Vader approaches Karbin, who is dying, and tells him that he is not the only one capable of deception and that he will no longer delay him from the boy. Karbin realizes that Vader's interest in Skywalker is not about revenge for the Death Star but something else. Vader replies that he will never know before killing Karbin with his lightsaber.

From her ejection seat, Aphra asks Vader if she is now in his good graces despite losing her ship. The Sith Lord tells her to capture Skywalker. Meanwhile, Solo rotates C-3PO's head correctly and thanks the droid for saving him. Chewbacca hugs C-3PO, but the droid says that it is unnecessary and says that he hoped he did not hurt Black Krssantan. Solo replies that he will sleep it off and asks what happened to him. C-3PO tells him that Triple Zero and Beetee stole his arms and rotated his head around.

Chewbacca roars, and Solo sees Karbin's shuttle departing. He realizes that the Imperials have captured Skywalker. Watching the shuttle leave, Vader uses the Force to cause the shuttle's engines to explode and crash. Han, C-3PO, and Chewbacca reunite with the escaped Skywalker, who has managed to escape the wrecked ship. Triple Zero and Beetee kill Karbin's Emperor's Royal Guards as they emerge from the ship. When Solo remarks that Skywalker must have a guardian angel, Skywalker replies that is the Force.

Dr. Aphra's Capture

Upon Solo, Chewbacca, C-3PO, Skywalker, and R2-D2's return to the Millennium Falcon, they discover that Black Krrsantan has left and that someone has repaired the Falcon's hull damage. Dr Aphra thanks Solo for his observation and tells him and his companions that they are standing in a field of micro-mines. She threatens to activate the mines if they don't surrender.

When Solo asks Aphra what she wants, she replies that she does not want Vader to throw her into deep space. Aphra contacts Vader by comlink and tells him that she will extract them in the Falcon and rendezvous later. Skywalker expresses his surprise that Aphra is with Vader while Solo says that she does not know anything. Dr Aphra replies the things I could tell you but is interrupted by Princess Leia, who knocks her unconscious.

Leia says that Aphra says she knows things and that they should take her aboard. Leia tells her comrades to see if they can salvage something from this whole mess. She tells them to send a broadcast to all rebels telling them to get off this misty hell before it is too late. Solo thanks Leia for not abandoning them. Leia jokes about finding it hard to get rid of Han.

The Exit

While aboard the Falcon, Solo advises Luke not to appear so sad, as they are still alive. C-3PO interjects, stating that it is too early to celebrate, as they have not yet reached orbit and must navigate through numerous TIE interceptors. Solo retorts that C-3PO should not make him regret fixing his head. The Falcon evades stormtroopers who fire their blasters at it.

Skywalker expresses his disappointment at not being able to return to the Jedi Temple, as he was close to discovering something significant and will now never know. Vader watches as the Falcon flies into the sunset.

Cover Images

    content="Star Wars: Vader Down"

    content="Star Wars: Darth Vader Vol. 2"

    content="Star Wars: Darth Vader Omnibus"

    content="Star Wars by Jason Aaron Omnibus"

    content="Star Wars Modern Era Epic Collection: Skywalker Strikes"