Darth Ekkage

Darth Ekkage, during the era of the Great Galactic War, held the titles of Dark Lord of the Sith and Dark Councilor. She was a human female, sister to Darth Baras, and considered one of the most skilled Sith assassins in history.


Ekkage under lock and key.

As a Dark Council member during the Great Galactic War fought between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, Darth Ekkage held command over both the Sith infiltrators and the Red Legion. In 3678 BBY, she personally marked members of the Legion during a celebration held in Kaas City on Dromund Kaas.

However, Ekkage suffered betrayal and was turned over to the Jedi by one of her own – a Sith assassin who abandoned the dark side to seek sanctuary with the Jedi Order. Many believed Darth Ekkage represented a weapon of unmatched power for the Sith, and had she not been captured by Jedi Master Nomen Karr, Baras's long-standing rival, their victory over the Republic would have occurred much earlier. Darth Ekkage and her infiltrators found themselves imprisoned on Belsavis.

Upon discovering Ekkage's continued existence during the Galactic War, Darth Baras dispatched Lord Melicoste with the intention of securing her freedom, believing her return would strengthen his claim to the title of Voice of the Emperor. However, Melicoste was pursued by Baras's former apprentice, now known as the Emperor's Wrath, who was acting on orders from Servant One to prevent Ekkage's liberation. The Wrath successfully identified Ekkage's cell and eliminated her assassins before they could be freed. When Melicoste finally reached Ekkage and released her restraints, she sensed the demise of her assassins and executed Melicoste for his failure, seizing his lightsaber.

Ekkage murders Melicoste shortly after her release

As Melicoste perished, Baras's apprentice emerged from concealment, commenting on the similarity between Ekkage and Baras in their betrayal of loyal followers. Ekkage responded by stating it was a family characteristic and then inquired about the Sith's identity. At that moment, Jedi Master Somminick Timmns, recognized by Ekkage as "Nomen Karr's sad little whelp", appeared, declaring the Sith was allied with him. Ekkage denounced the Sith as a fool and a traitor for collaborating with a Jedi. The Sith, in turn, identified themselves as the Emperor's Wrath, dispatched by the Emperor's Hand to assassinate her and impede her brother. Expressing disappointment that the Hand had stooped so low as to work with the Jedi, Ekkage engaged the two in combat. Despite her status as a Dark Councilor, Ekkage was defeated and subsequently killed.

Powers and abilities

Darth Ekkage possessed sufficient power to attain a position on the Dark Council. Many within the Sith Empire believed that their triumph over the Republic would have been achieved much sooner if she had not been captured. Upon her release from imprisonment, she demonstrated the ability to sense the deaths of her assassins and effortlessly dispatched Melicoste using Force lightning due to his incompetence. However, the combined might of the Emperor's Wrath and Jedi Master Timmns led to her demise.

Behind the scenes

Darth Ekkage is a character that was first seen in the 2011 video game Star Wars: The Old Republic, specifically as part of the Sith Warrior class's Chapter III storyline on Belsavis. The Sith Warrior can decide Ekkage's fate in three different ways: by killing her, forcing Timmns to kill her, or imprisoning Ekkage again.

Ekkage was initially mentioned in the comic The Old Republic, Blood of the Empire Act 1: Shades of the Sith. Like other components of the game's multimedia project that came out before the game itself, Shades of the Sith contains some continuity discrepancies with the final version of The Old Republic. For example, the comic spells her name as "Ekage" and incorrectly identifies her as male.

