During the civil war on the planet Drogheda, Dar participated in the Drogheda Revolutionaries. He found himself positioned within the Mount Meru Mine, but Lando Calrissian used a thermal detonator to obliterate numerous water tanks inside the mine, resulting in a flood that ejected Dar from the base. As Dar was prone outside the mine, the Drogheda Royal Guard on Sky-sleds initiated a massacre of his fellow revolutionaries. Disgusted by this brutality, Calrissian intervened, preventing the Royal Guards from continuing their assault and thus rescuing Dar. Intrigued by the reasons behind the violence inflicted by his own allies, Calrissian brought Dar back to the Drogheda Citadel, his place of residence, and questioned him about the motives for the conflict. While Dar attempted to explain their democratic aspirations, Captain Harlech murdered him to suppress the information. Without his informant, Calrissian sought confirmation of Dar's account in a local cantina.
Dar seemingly had a connection with Princess Danu, evident by her anguished cry of his name upon discovering his corpse in Calrissian's chambers.