Danger Squadron

Danger Squadron was a squadron of starfighters serving within the Rebel Alliance's Starfighter Corps during the Galactic Civil War. The Duros Shriv Suurgav was in command of this unit. During the Battle of Theed, Iden Versio, Del Meeko, and Dio—three Imperial defectors—briefly became members of Danger Squadron with the goal of stopping the Empire from completing Operation: Cinder on Naboo.


Battle of Naboo

Following the Battle of Endor, Danger Squadron found itself stationed aboard the MC80 Liberty Type Heavy Star Cruiser known as the Restoration, which was under the leadership of General Lando Calrissian. At this point in time, the Empire had initiated Operation: Cinder, an operation that aimed to destroy numerous Imperial-loyal worlds by utilizing experimental climate disruption arrays.

Vardos was among the first targets selected by the Empire, an event that spurred Iden Versio and Del Meeko, two agents along with their ID10 seeker droid Dio from the Imperial Special Forces unit Inferno Squad, to defect. These two individuals contacted the Restoration and offered their surrender to the officers present. Shriv Suurgav, known as Danger Leader, gave the order to bring them aboard the Restoration for interrogation.

Danger Squadron arrives at Naboo with the Restoration

In the meantime, information obtained during a raid at the Wretch of Tayron revealed that Naboo was next on the list of targets for Operation: Cinder. After learning this, General Calrissian contacted Versio and Meeko, requesting their assistance in thwarting the Empire's plans. The pair consented and were integrated into Danger Squadron. The Restoration, the Mellcrawler II, and other supporting starfighters such as A-wings, B-wings, and Y-wings, along with Danger Squadron's X-wings then entered the vicinity of Naboo. The starfighters began engaging the climate disruption arrays, and destroying each one they encountered. Danger Squadron then shifted their focus to the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Torment, providing cover for the Y-wings as they commenced bombing the massive ship while fending off TIE fighters.

Once the Torment's shields were disabled, Suurgav authorized the Restoration to unleash its firepower on the Torment. The Restoration's weaponry devastated the Torment, prompting its ground forces to evacuate and mobilize within the streets of Theed, the capital of Naboo. The Restoration responded by deploying its own forces to defend the city. Among those deployed were Shriv, Iden, and Del, who were tasked with activating the palace's defense systems. They succeeded, and an ion blast left the Imperial forces vulnerable.

