"Danger in the Desert" (in French, it's "Danger Dans le Désert," and in Spanish, it's "Peligro en el desierto") represents a concise narrative penned by Dan Brooks. This story appears within the pages of 5-Minute Star Wars Stories, offering an adaptation of Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker.
Within "Danger in the Desert," it's mentioned that C-3PO possessed fluency in over six million communication methods. However, the factual count by this juncture was actually exceeding seven million. Furthermore, the tale suggests that Rey experienced a sensation indicating Chewbacca's continued existence on Pasaana. In contrast, _Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker, from which this story draws inspiration, makes it clear that this realization didn't occur until the events of the Mission to Kijimi.