Danger in the Desert

"Danger in the Desert" (in French, it's "Danger Dans le Désert," and in Spanish, it's "Peligro en el desierto") represents a concise narrative penned by Dan Brooks. This story appears within the pages of 5-Minute Star Wars Stories, offering an adaptation of Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker.


Within "Danger in the Desert," it's mentioned that C-3PO possessed fluency in over six million communication methods. However, the factual count by this juncture was actually exceeding seven million. Furthermore, the tale suggests that Rey experienced a sensation indicating Chewbacca's continued existence on Pasaana. In contrast, _Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker, from which this story draws inspiration, makes it clear that this realization didn't occur until the events of the Mission to Kijimi.

Notes and references
