During the Galactic Civil War, the male Human Daino Hyx served as the chief medical officer for Red Hand Squadron. He was assigned to the ship Retribution. Prior to enlisting with the Corellian resistance, this short, bearded man received his medical and psychological training from a prestigious university on Alderaan.
His main task involved discovering a method for Ylesian slaves to conquer their dependence on the drug Exultation. To accomplish this, he journeyed to Nal Hutta where he examined how the t'landa Til generated the effect during their mating practices. His proposed remedy was a combination of treatments, largely pharmacological and group therapy, designed to reduce the addictive properties of Exultation.
After Red Hand Squadron seized the slave-ship Helot's Shackle, Daino Hyx implemented his therapeutic techniques on the rescued slaves, achieving considerable success in helping the pilgrims overcome their dependencies. This success inspired Bria Tharen to launch an invasion of Ylesia, with the goal of liberating all eight thousand pilgrims, and anticipating that a significant number would enlist in the Rebel Alliance, bolstering their ranks and power.