
description: Learn about Dahnis, a Twi'lek Pazaak player from Nar Shaddaa.

Originating from Nar Shaddaa, Dahnis was a female Twi'lek. Her preferred pastime was engaging in games of Pazaak, especially against male opponents, leading her to frequent the Pazaak Den. In addition to playing, she also dealt cards at that establishment. Meetra Surik encountered her while on a quest to locate Zez-Kai Ell, one of the lost Jedi Masters.

Personality and traits

Dahnis possessed an assertive personality and a tendency to flirt with men she found attractive. She actively sought out male opponents for Pazaak, often disregarding female players entirely if a man she was interested in was nearby. Moreover, she was known to make derisive comments at the expense of her male opponents upon winning a Pazaak game.

Behind the scenes

In the video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, choosing a male Exile, or having Atton Rand, Disciple, or Bao-Dur in your party during the Pazaak match will cause Dahnis to immediately give up the game. When Dahnis consents to a Pazaak game with the player, the Exile is immediately victorious without any gameplay taking place.

