Dagger Flight

Dagger Flight existed as a component of the Sword Squadron, which itself fell under the command of the 77th Air Wing. In the conflict known as the Battle of Kelrodo-Ai, a part of the larger Western Reaches Operation during the Reconquest of the Rim, Starks commanded Dagger Flight. Dibs and Rocket served as his wingmen when the initial operation to penetrate the shaft leading to the Citadel of Axes' shields' hypermatter reactor was launched. Following the unsuccessful first attempt to enter the shaft, which led to the demise of Scimitar Flight, Dibs and Rocket remained with Dagger Flight for the second attempt. However, Starks joined forces with Blade Flight for the infiltration. Dagger Flight was also assigned the duty of repelling Separatist forces in the airspace above while Blade Flight worked to eliminate the reactor. Every member of Dagger Flight lived through the engagement.

