Da'la Socuna was a Human female who fought for the Rebel Alliance as a pilot during the time of the Galactic Civil War.
Socuna achieved the rank of commander within the Alliance and served as a pilot trainer with the Crimson Phoenix Squadron. After 0 BBY at some point, she could be found working in the cantina of Mos Espa on the planet of Tatooine. While employed there, she enlisted a spacer who had been dispatched to her by Gendra. She provided the new pilot with a Z-95 Headhunter and tasked them with patrolling a Rebel spy route situated in the Tatoo system. Although the pilot was ambushed by three TIE pilot cadets, they were all defeated, and the pilot made it back safely.
Subsequently, Socuna assigned further missions, including the pursuit of TIE fighters, and providing an escort for a damaged refugee transport located within the system. Each of these missions saw successful completion, and Socuna rewarded the pilot with a Rebel flightsuit. However, Socuna presented her new pilot with one last mission, which required the elimination of a Veteran Commander piloting a TIE fighter, along with his three escorts. After the successful completion of this assignment, Socuna transferred the pilot to Major Eker for further duties.
She was also involved in defending Mos Espa during the invasion of the city by Tusken Raiders, who were under the leadership of the Tusken King.
Da'la Socuna appears as a Non-Player Character (NPC) inside the MMORPG Star Wars Galaxies. She was incorporated into the game through the 2004 expansion pack, Jump to Lightspeed.
Within the game, Rebel players who choose to join the Crimson Phoenix Squadron commence their training under Socuna's guidance.