D'ian orchid vines were a type of plant lifeform, specifically a species of non-sentient flora. They originated from the D'ian province on the planet known as Sen III. Much like other plant life native to Sen III, D'ian orchid vines were highly valued for their beautiful scent and striking appearance. These plants featured a prominent central flower that was pink in color and adorned with orange projections, all surrounded by leaves of pink and yellow hues.
These orchid vines were exported off-world and became quite commonplace throughout the Corporate Sector, the region of space where their homeworld was situated. A company called Rossum Droidworks, which operated within that sector, once gifted an orchid vine to Colonel Milosh Muhrlein, who served as the Imperial commandant of Imperial Research Station 61 on the world of Wayland. Muhrlein, who was involved in selling experimental droids and advanced technology from his research station on the black market to Rossum, kept the plant on his desk. This lasted until Jahan Cross of the Imperial Security Bureau identified the plant around 3 BBY during his investigation into the commandant's illicit dealings. Cross later knocked the plant to the ground during a confrontation with Muhrlein.
The initial mention of orchid vines occurred in Han Solo's Revenge, a novel penned by Brian Daley in 1979. Further details were provided in A Guide to the Star Wars Universe, a sourcebook authored by Raymond L. Velasco and published in 1994, as well as in The Essential Atlas, another sourcebook written collaboratively by Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry and released in 2009. Later, in 2011, the plant made an appearance in Agent of the Empire – Iron Eclipse 1, a comic book authored by John Ostrander and featuring illustrations by Stéphane Roux, where its name was incorrectly spelled as "orchard vine."