Cynthia Maladori

Lady Cynthia Maladori held a noble position within House Melantha, the ruling family of the Melantha Province located in the Tapani sector.

In her earlier years, Lady Maladori shared a romantic connection with High Lord Bal Jaset. However, during a conflict over the leadership of their house, she violated his confidence and supported her brother, thereby hindering Jaset's advancement. Upon ascending to the position of High Lord, Jaset made things difficult for Cynthia, resulting in a significant decline in her family's standing within the house. She was determined to regain her family's former prominence.

Behind the scenes

According to The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, released in 2008, Maladori's given name is Cynith. The definitive version remains uncertain.


  • Lords of the Expanse (Initial mention)
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia (referred to as Cynith Maladori)
