The Cularin Classic represented a swoop race of great importance. It occurred on the planet of Cularin.
Originating during the Clone Wars, the Cularin Classic was envisioned as a yearly occurrence. Contestants were required to navigate the Cularin Repulsor Speedway four times, while dodging numerous trackside hazards. The inaugural Cularin Classic featured six competing teams: the Talons, Team SoroSuub, the Blood Raptors, a team of Dug, a team of Gotal and a team claiming to be "Duckonian". The Duckonians were actually Togorians led by Mebara Jos in disguise. Their goal was to sabotage the race, seeking retribution against the inhabitants of the Cularin system for previously foiling Jos's schemes. Ultimately, the heroes of Cularin intervened and stopped the Togorians.