Crystal Star Tug

Crystal Star Tugs functioned as guide ships for the Lucents, assisting vessels in navigating from their entry point in realspace to the Crystal Web Station situated at the border of the Voidfire Nebula. Similar to other technological marvels created by the Lucents, these tugs were fueled by peculiar crystalline webs and energy-infused gems, enabling them to navigate the Nebula without sustaining ionic harm. Although not intended for battle, each star tug was equipped with a single laser cannon mounted on its front, operated by a lone pilot. When vessels were prepared to depart the Crystal Web, a solitary Star Tug would accompany them back out, connecting its uplink arm to an accessible port to transmit hyperspace coordinates directly into the vessel's nav computer. However, the star tugs themselves were incapable of entering hyperspace due to the absence of any hyperdrive system. Despite being operated by a single pilot, these ships provided space for two additional passengers, potentially serving a training function as well. Their top speed in an atmospheric environment was 260 kilometers per hour.

