"Crystal Crisis" represents an uncompleted installment from the animated television program Star Wars: The Clone Wars. This episode saw its release as a story reel on StarWars.com on September 25, 2014, as a part of The Clone Wars Legacy. Even though it remained unfinished due to the show's cancellation before its completion, it is accepted as official Star Wars canon.
Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, the pair of Jedi, activate the large vessel belonging to Endente, the arms dealer of the Sugi. However, the departing Sugi had sabotaged three out of the four engines. Kenobi voices his concern that the Sugi might come back with a larger force, leading the two Jedi to understand the urgency of relocating the kyber crystal from the ship swiftly. Upon exiting the ship, the Jedi notice a group of quadrupeds. Kenobi proposes that Skywalker, his former Padawan, should employ his Force abilities to persuade the creatures to assist them in moving the massive crystal.
Skywalker makes an attempt to communicate with the quadrupeds, but they pay him no attention. However, the Jedi spots a jamel and succeeds in convincing it to lend a hand. While exploring an encampment nearby, Kenobi comes across an Amani, but he uses a mind trick to make the Amani believe that he did not see the Jedi. When Kenobi observes Skywalker with the jamel, he expresses his dissatisfaction with his former Padawan's efforts. Skywalker responds by suggesting that Kenobi should try befriending the animals next time, while Kenobi jokingly suggests that they should have brought Mace Windu, the Jedi Master, along.
In the meantime, Endente and the other Sugi gather again at an arsenal depot and get ready for a counter-attack against the Jedi. Count Dooku informs Endente that General Grievous will be arriving to meet them on the Utapau plains. Fearing the consequences of reporting his failure to the Sith, Endente requests Dooku to direct Grievous to meet them at Pau City instead, citing that the Amani can no longer be trusted to safeguard the crystal. Endente assures Grievous that they have an ally within the Utapau government. After his conversation with Dooku, Endente and his forces set off on speeder bikes to retrieve the crystal.
Returning to Endente's starship, the two Jedi arrive with the jamel to move the kyber crystal, which is hanging from the ceiling. Kenobi puts forward the idea of cutting the ropes that secure the crystal while simultaneously utilizing the Force to lower it onto a repulsorlift cart. Kenobi increases the cart's output to twice its normal level to handle the weight of the crystal. Successfully completing this, the two Jedi employ the jamel to pull the cart. Although Kenobi is doubtful about their chances of reaching Pau City, Anakin urges him to relax. This prompts the older Jedi to complain about their slow pace. Shortly after, several Sugi riders on speeder bikes begin chasing the two Jedi. Anakin uses his Force abilities and lightsaber to combat the attackers and seize control of one of their speeder bikes. He then uses the captured speeder bike to take down the other Sugi speeders. Meanwhile, Kenobi continues to guide the jamel and the crystal cart.
At Pau City, three Neimoidian shuttles touch down, carrying General Grievous along with several B1-series battle droids and IG-100 MagnaGuards. Governor Torul Blom greets Grievous. The cyborg general, angered by Endente's change in plans, dispatches two MagnaGuards on STAP speeders to locate Endente.
Back on the plains, Anakin's jamel has lost interest. Kenobi and Skywalker get into an argument regarding burying the fallen Sugi warriors, whom Anakin views with disdain as enemies. The two Jedi then use the speeder bike that Anakin captured to transport the kyber crystal cart. As they continue on their way, they are ambushed by a second group of Sugi warriors. Kenobi stands on the cart while Anakin rides the speeder bike. The Sugi speeders begin firing at the crystal, which causes their blasts to bounce back at them. However, they are still being pursued by two speeders, with Endente himself leading the charge. Governor Blom interrupts Endente's pursuit with a hologram message, informing him that Grievous wishes to meet him in Pau City.
Endente instructs his men not to fire on the kyber crystal and to follow the Jedi into Pau City. As the Jedi make their way to the port city, Kenobi stands on the cart and deflects the incoming fire back at the Sugi pursuers using his lightsaber, causing one speeder and its two Sugi riders to fall into a deep sinkhole. General Grievous' MagnaGuards then close in on the two Jedi.
Meanwhile, Endente proceeds to the Governor's office, where Grievous confronts him. Grievous demands to know the location of the kyber crystal. In an attempt to conceal his failure, Endente claims that there were issues with the Amani security but that the crystal is on its way to Pau City. However, Grievous is already aware that the Jedi have stolen the crystal and executes the Sugi merchant for his incompetence by beheading him. Grievous, vowing to deal with the Jedi personally, departs with two more MagnaGuards.
Kenobi and Skywalker transport the kyber crystal through the streets of Pau City while being chased by MagnaGuards. Kenobi fights one of the droids while Anakin struggles to maintain control of his speeder bike. One of the MagnaGuards attempts to sneak under the cart but is crushed against a column. Grievous and his reinforcements then catch up to the two Jedi. However, several varactyl lizards unsettle them, causing their vehicles to crash. The two Jedi reach the city's spaceport just as their repulsorlift cart breaks down. The Jedi are quickly greeted by Governor Blom, who reveals his alliance with the Separatists.
The two Jedi are swiftly surrounded by Governor Blom's Pau'an warriors and battle droids. Grievous orders his droids to load the crystal onto his shuttle, which they accomplish by attaching pods to lift the massive object. Governor Blom then orders his troops to execute Kenobi and Skywalker, but the Jedi use their Force powers to defeat the battle droids and take the Governor and one of his aides as hostages. Meanwhile, the General's shuttle takes off into space with the crystal. The Jedi give chase in another starship. Grievous arrives, and the Governor apologizes for his failure to kill the Jedi. However, Grievous impales him with one of his lightsabers.