Crisis on Naboo

"Crisis on Naboo" represents the eighteenth installment within the fourth season of the animated television program, Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Serving as the concluding chapter of a narrative arc spanning four episodes, it details Obi-Wan Kenobi's covert operation aimed at exposing the conspiracy to assassinate Chancellor Palpatine. This storyline was initiated in the preceding trio of episodes: "Deception," "Friends and Enemies," and "The Box." Its original broadcast occurred on February 10, 2012.

Official description

"With Jedi Knights providing security, the Chancellor journeys to Naboo to oversee a public celebration. Dooku and the bounty hunters under his command—including Obi-Wan Kenobi, operating undercover—initiate their scheme to abduct him."

Plot summary

Within the Jedi Temple, the members of the Jedi High Council, alongside Anakin and Ahsoka, deliberate on the protective protocols for Chancellor Palpatine's forthcoming visit to Naboo for the planet's traditional Festival of Light. Mace Windu and Yoda have since shared with the others the information that Obi-Wan is still alive and operating in disguise, having infiltrated Count Dooku's machinations to attack and kidnap the Chancellor. Anakin displays a strong sense of confidence and resolve regarding the mission's success – perhaps excessively so, prompting concerned looks from Windu, Yoda, and Ahsoka.

Simultaneously, Count Dooku, Moralo Eval, Cad Bane, and his assembled team, including Obi-Wan, Embo, Derrown, and Twazzi, seize control of a small hangar in Theed by murdering the mechanics present. As the group gathers, Bane proceeds to allocate individual roles in the unfolding plot: Derrown is tasked with disabling the deflector shield erected for the Chancellor's protection; Eval is responsible for providing the escape transport; Embo and Twazzi, disguised as Senate Guards, are assigned to escort the Chancellor; and Obi-Wan, also in disguise, is to provide covering fire and incapacitate the Chancellor using a sniper blaster. Each member receives a specialized mapping device to guide them to the rendezvous point upon mission completion, and a special holographic disguise matrix is deployed to make them appear as Senate Guards. As they depart for their assigned positions, Dooku pulls Bane aside to caution him to maintain a vigilant watch for Hardeen, towards whom the Count has developed suspicions. Eventually, Palpatine and his security detail, which includes Windu, Anakin, and Ahsoka, arrive in Theed, where the Chancellor is greeted by Queen Neeyutnee and a group of esteemed Galactic senators, among them Naboo's own representative Padmé Amidala and Sio Bibble, the governor of Naboo. Despite the security measures in place, Palpatine exhibits little concern regarding the Count's impending attack, and, concerned for Padmé's well-being, Anakin assigns Ahsoka to accompany his wife and the Queen while he assumes his position on the mission's front lines. As he takes his position, Obi-Wan manages to establish contact with Windu, relaying crucial details of the Count's plan.

Later that evening, the Naboo people and their Senate guests convene at the Royal Palace to commence the festival's initiation, with Bane infiltrating the crowd using a holographic disguise to appear as a Neimoidian. However, as Dooku's operation begins and Derrown prepares to deactivate the deflector shield generator, Obi-Wan alerts Windu, yet they are unable to prevent the shield's deactivation or Derrown's escape. Obi-Wan attempts to impede Derrown, disabling his jetpack, but his blaster is only charged for a single shot. The Chancellor is incapacitated by the shield generator's explosion, and amidst the ensuing chaos, Embo and Twazzi use a holographic matrix to make Palpatine appear as a fallen Senate Guard, while Twazzi assumes the Chancellor's appearance. Anakin and Windu intercept the two and are deceived by the ruse, while Bane and Eval escape with the unconscious Chancellor. Being the closest to the kidnappers, Obi-Wan commandeers a speeder and pursues Bane and Eval to the rendezvous point, where their escape ship awaits (though Dooku is conspicuously absent). Upon Obi-Wan's arrival, he demands custody of the Chancellor at gunpoint, initiating a fierce confrontation with Bane. Obi-Wan ultimately subdues the two criminals and surrenders them to the authorities (who arrive shortly thereafter, accompanied by Anakin and Windu), and when Windu reveals his true identity, Bane vows bitter vengeance against the Jedi.

The following morning, Palpatine and the Jedi prepare to return to Coruscant, but despite the successful thwarting of the kidnapping, Anakin remains furious with Obi-Wan and the Jedi Council for withholding the truth from him, even if it was intended to convince Dooku of "Hardeen's" sincerity. An angry remark from Anakin, however, sparks a suspicion in Obi-Wan, and before discarding his disguise, he returns to his position from the previous night and discovers an activated com device within his sniper blaster's case, indicating that Dooku had not appeared because he had been eavesdropping on Obi-Wan's com calls to Windu. Indeed, the Count lies in wait for Palpatine and Anakin in an ambush, subtly orchestrated by Palpatine himself. Anakin swiftly dispatches the two MagnaGuards accompanying Dooku, but when Palpatine attempts to flee at Anakin's instruction, a third MagnaGuard intercepts him and restrains him. Both observe as Anakin and Dooku engage in a duel across the halls - Darth Sidious watching with pleasure as Anakin succumbs to his anger - and although Anakin pins Dooku down briefly, Dooku manages to overpower him with Force lightning. Obi-Wan, however, catches up to Anakin, and together they foil Dooku's plan once more, destroying the lone MagnaGuard and rescuing Palpatine, forcing Dooku to throw Anakin off his ship, thus ending the duel empty-handed and escaping in his shuttle. While Palpatine expresses gratitude to the Jedi for their timely rescue, he feigns concern about the galaxy's fate should the Jedi cease to exist.


The clone trooper escorting Cad Bane into custody is initially depicted as a shock trooper, but in the subsequent scene, he inexplicably transforms into a standard clone trooper.

During the scene where Anakin and Obi-Wan are departing from the loading ramp of the Republic ship, their movement appears to be accelerated beyond its actual pace.

One of the fireworks launched by Palpatine bears a striking resemblance to the iconic Star Wars opening crawl.

As Anakin assaults Dooku while the latter is using a chair as a shield, Anakin's lightsaber is visible both attached to his belt and simultaneously piercing through the chair.


