Crimler Naval Base

In the Kathol sector, on the planet called Gandle Ott, stood an Imperial military installation known as Crimler Naval Base. It was situated in Montrol City, which served as the capital. In 8 ABY, after suffering a defeat at the hands of New Republic forces that caused him to lose his capital, Kal'Shebbol, Moff Kentor Sarne, the warlord controlling the Kathol sector, paused at Gandle Ott with his forces during his retreat. While there, Sarne's fleet resupplied from the base before venturing deeper into the sector.


Located in the Ott system of the Kathol sector, Crimler Naval Base was an Imperial military installation on Gandle Ott. Specifically, it was located in Montrol City, the capital city of the planet. This base, along with several nearby depots, held a large store of supplies for the purpose of resupplying Imperial Fleet vessels.


Moff Kentor Sarne, a Warlord who controlled the Kathol sector in 8 ABY after the death of Emperor Palpatine during the Battle of Endor four years prior, had loyal Imperial personnel stationed at the naval base. These individuals were loyal to Sarne.


The Crimler Naval Base was founded within the Kathol sector, on the planet Gandle Ott, situated in the Outer Rim Territories. In 8 ABY, Imperial forces who were loyal to Moff Kentor Sarne, the warlord in control of the sector, occupied the base. After being defeated and forced from his capital on Kal'Shebbol by New Republic forces, Sarne led the majority of his fleet to Gandle Ott as he retreated into the depths of the Kathol sector. While in orbit above the planet, he began the process of loading supplies from Crimler Naval Base and ordered all reserve military personnel on the planet to report for duty. Despite the news of Sarne's defeat at Kal'Shebbol not yet reaching Gandle Ott, the Moff told the media he was leading the large fleet on a long mission to eliminate pirates and Rebels throughout the sector.

A reporter for the NewsNet KatholNet, Dana Cadwell, documented the Moff's actions and filed a news report with the title Moff Sarne Prepares For Pirate Purge. A few days later, the fleet left Gandle Ott to embark on the mission Sarne had described. It was discovered after the departure that Sarne had not only taken the supplies but also the majority of the planet's defense force and active military personnel, including the planetary governor. Due to the loss of many high-ranking officials, Gandle Ott's government fell into chaos, leading to political conflict between senior government figures Vice-Governor Marja Lang and General Herron Dade over who should succeed the absent governor.

Behind the scenes

The adventure Death Is Remotely Possible for the RPG included a mention of the Crimler Naval Base. It was published in The DarkStryder Campaign by West End Games in 1995. The base itself did not play a role in the adventure, only appearing in an in-universe NewsNet article.

