Create a Painting

In 2008, Sony Online Entertainment hosted a competition called the Create a Painting contest. Participants had the opportunity to present their unique artwork centered around the Galactic Civil War to Sony. From these submissions, Sony selected three finalists representing the Galactic Empire and three representing the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Subsequently, the player community voted on the winners through the official forums. Guillemette from the Bria server won for the Rebel side with their piece, The March to Restuss, while Zel from the Bloodfin server secured the Imperial victory with [United in Our Cause].


  • The official Star Wars Galaxies website (now defunct) featured a call for artists for this contest.
  • The official Star Wars Galaxies website (now defunct) detailed the Create A Painting Contest.
  • The official Star Wars Galaxies website (now defunct) mentioned the Five Year Anniversary.
  • The official Star Wars Galaxies forums (now defunct) showcased the Imperial Finalists! for the Create a Painting Contest.
  • The official Star Wars Galaxies forums (now defunct) presented the Rebel Finalists! for the Create a Painting Contest.
  • The official Star Wars Galaxies website (now defunct) announced the In-Game Painting Contest Winners.
  • The official Star Wars Galaxies website (now defunct) highlighted the Star Wars Galaxies: Game Update 5.
