Corvis Minor was the main star within the Corvis Minor system, a part of the Ciutric Hegemony that was under the control of Prince-Admiral Delak Krennel.
This system held very little significance and possessed a rather uninteresting past. Because of its lack of importance, Emperor Palpatine selected it as the subject for a comprehensive collection he wished to keep under the radar. Disguised as a multicard set called The Complete History of Corvis Minor, each library in the Imperial Palace and certain other Imperial sites housed this collection. The collection actually concealed a compact, covert hold-out blaster intended for Palpatine's operatives, as the history of Corvis Minor was unlikely to pique anyone else's interest. Among the select few aware of these hidden blasters was Mara Jade.
The Thrawn Trilogy introduced The Complete History of Corvis Minor when Mara Jade obtained a replacement blaster from the volume after having one taken from her. During his escape from the Lusankya, Corran Horn discovered one, causing him to ponder, somewhat facetiously, what kind of planet would have its history embodied by a blaster.