Corus Kapellim

Corus Kapellim, a smuggler of human descent and male identity hailing from Brix, operated as a "gentleman flyer." Kapellim's forte lay in the acquisition of illicit gemstones and invaluable artwork. Eschewing large-scale contraband operations, he prioritized the thrill of the heist over the accumulation of wealth. In the course of the war pitting the First Order against the Resistance, Kapellim frequently purloined possessions abandoned by individuals escaping First Order dominion. He then restored these items to their rightful possessors, naturally in exchange for substantial remuneration.


Kapellim's attire consisted of a flight suit paired with Dactillion-leather gloves, a Valahari flight harness dating back to the Clone Wars, and a vintage phonendoscope employed to track his physiological metrics.

