Corpo (Hutt)

Corpo, a Hutt who resided on the planet of Ord Mantell, existed during the waning years of the Galactic Republic.


Corpo, a male Hutt, made his home on the planet of Ord Mantell during the final decades of the Galactic Republic. His primary interests were gambling and food, with little else concerning him. A MREM-02 kitchen droid was his most prized possession. At one point, the renowned chef Slabba Drewl lost a wager to Corpo, resulting in the Hutt enslaving him. Before 33 BBY, Jedi Masters Plo Koon and Micah Giiett were sent from the Jedi Temple with the mission of rescuing the chef.

Upon their arrival, Giiett proposed a bet to Corpo: he claimed he could create a dish superior to that of the MREM-02 droid for the Hutt. Corpo, full of confidence in his droid, accepted the wager. If Giiett succeeded, Drewl would be freed; however, if he failed, he would also become enslaved. Giiett, determined to win, instructed Koon to sabotage MREM-02’s cooking. The cook-off commenced, with the surprise ingredient being Denusian squirmers. Despite being attacked by the still-living ingredient, Giiett used his lightsaber to both cut and cook the squirmers. Meanwhile, Koon replaced MREM-02’s seebo sauce with droid oil, and also secretly added gundark droppings, Rakririan Burnout Sauce, and Bothan foot powder to the droid’s pot.

As the cook-off concluded, MREM-02 presented Corpo with five complete and seemingly well-made dishes, while Giiett offered two messy bowls of squirmer stew. Still self-assured, Corpo tasted MREM-02’s sabotaged food, only to find it repulsive. Upholding his end of the bet, Corpo immediately released Drewl from servitude. Infuriated by his defeat, he physically assaulted MREM-02, causing the large droid to fall over and crush the Hutt.

Behind the scenes

Although Corpo's only appearance was in the questionably-canon Star Wars Tales, references to Denusian squirmers and the planet of Denusia later surfaced in, respectively, The Official Star Wars Fact File 128 and The Essential Atlas.

