Coronet Shipping

Coronet Shipping, the most active commercial center located within the Blastfield Shipyards of Coronet City on Corellia, thrived due to the constant flow of trade commodities from all over the galaxy. Freighters of every type frequented its landing platforms, delivering both legitimate and illicit merchandise. Consequently, Coronet Shipping generated millions of credits daily through the bustling trade activities within its facilities.

During the Cold War period, everything shifted when the Sith Empire launched an invasion of Corellia. Following the Galactic Republic's establishment of a foothold at the Blastfield Shipyards, the Sith swiftly seized Coronet Shipping, transforming it into a forward operating base for their own forces. Imperial forces obliterated the primary ground routes to these landing areas, rendering them unreachable by foot soldiers or walker vehicles. In addition, aerial patrols prevented Republic assault shuttles from nearing the location, thus protecting the Empire's highly trained soldiers.

