Corin Tok, a male Zabrak Jedi Master of the Jedi Order celebrated for his resilience, was known by two distinct names: the "Sith Butcher" to the Sith Empire and Verda Jédii to the Mandalorians. His most noted actions occurred during the Sacking of Coruscant as well as the Battle of Corellia.
During the era of the Cold War, Master Corin Tok served the Republic as a seasoned and experienced Jedi General. He had proven his worth during the Great Galactic War, most notably during the Sacking of Coruscant. As one of the few Jedi to survive that horrific event, he felled many Sith, giving rise to a legend surrounding him. He seemed impervious to blaster fire and lightsabers seemed to fail when he was near. These feats were attributed to his reinforced armor and cortosis-weaves, and Imperial troops throughout the Empire both knew of and feared this Jedi.
This reputation followed him to the Battle of Corellia, where he became the Republic's final defense in holding Axial Park. By holding back the Imperials, he caught the eye of General Hesker, the Imperial commander in charge, who dispatched a strike team to eliminate him. He fought valiantly until the end, but ultimately succumbed to the overwhelming Imperial forces, which damaged Republic morale. In his dying breath, he pleaded with his killers to spare the lives of the wounded he had been protecting.
Corin possessed exceptional skill in lightsaber combat, a fact demonstrated during both the Sacking of Coruscant and the aforementioned Corellian Invasion.
Although he preferred single saber combat using the Soresu form, he also had proficiency in Niman, wielding two yellow-bladed lightsabers simultaneously against his enemies.