
Conevor, a male individual, collaborated with Tala, a pilot, and Gus, a Drall, during the Galactic Civil War. This conflict pitted the Galactic Empire against the Alliance to Restore the Republic. During this period of war, Conevor found himself spending time on Treasure Ship Row, a street located within the Blue Sector on the planet Corellia, specifically in Coronet City. While there, he associated with the Silestro Privateers, a group of privateers, and bragged about Tala's exceptional piloting skills, even stating he would wager his starship on her in a race. Jostero, the leader of the privateers, subsequently challenged Tala to a swoop race, with Conevor placing his bet on her victory. As he waited at the finish line during the race, Conevor grew increasingly anxious and repeatedly contacted Tala via comm, much to her irritation. Shortly before the race concluded, Gus informed Conevor that, regardless of the race's outcome, the privateers intended to kill all three of them and steal their possessions. Tala ultimately won the race, but before the privateers could launch their attack, a speeder belonging to the Corellian Security Force arrived, causing everyone involved to flee the scene.

Background Information

The character of Conevor was initially introduced in a brief narrative at the beginning of Suns of Fortune, a sourcebook published in 2014 for the Star Wars: Edge of the Empire roleplaying game by Fantasy Flight Games. His species was never identified in the book.


  • Suns of Fortune (First mentioned)

Additional Information
