Club Afterburn, alternatively called the Afterburner, was a recreational drinking establishment situated on the hangar deck of the Rebel Alliance's Redemption EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate. A banner displaying the words "Club Afterburn" in Aurebesh adorned the club. Makeshift furniture, often in the form of readily available crates and boxes, served as seating and tables for the customers. During 3 ABY, the smuggler Lando Calrissian was enjoying drinks with his companion Lobot at this club when he was contacted by the Wookiee Chewbacca, who sought his assistance in rescuing Han Solo from Crimson Dawn at the request of General Leia Organa. At a later point in time, the rebel pilot L'ulo L'ampar shared drinks with Kes Dameron at the Afterburner.