Clan Sharratt

Clan Sharratt was a Mandalorian group composed of humans and Zabrak, and they were commanded by Kaleesh Warlords. They existed during the era of the Cold War, a battle fought between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. In the course of the Cold War, Clan Sharratt, experimenting with a new Imperial combat adrenal, dared the Republic defenders to confront them in battle; otherwise, the Mandalorians threatened to initiate the destruction of arbitrary Republic assets on Nar Shaddaa. Ultimately, they suffered defeat, their enclave was obliterated, and their leader, Kassor Quade, met his end.

In the period of the Mandalorian civil war circa 3625 BBY, the Clan shifted allegiances and became backers of the Hidden Chain, which was a breakaway group established by Heta Kol.

Behind the scenes

Clan Sharratt, including its leader, serve as the primary adversaries in the [HEROIC 2+] Mandalorian Rage mission, which is exclusively available to Republic players in Star Wars: The Old Republic.

