Clan Ha'rangir constituted a group of Mandalorian warriors who aligned themselves with the Hidden Chain circa 3626 BBY. They played a role in defending the Hidden Chain's base of operations located on Ruhnuk, during the Showdown on Ruhnuk. Furthermore, they spearheaded the Hidden Chain's remaining forces that opted not to evacuate alongside the bulk of Heta Kol's command.
Taking its name from Kad Ha'rangir, the Mandalorian deity of destruction and the catalyst for transformation and advancement, Clan Ha'rangir was established by Mandalorians who were of the opinion that their culture was becoming frail due to passivity and timidity. They initiated a violent campaign of expansion through conquest, known as the Ha'rangir's Path, around 3732 BBY. Their initial achievements spurred numerous incursions and takeovers, leading to the accumulation of substantial wealth in resources. Having participated in the Mandalorian Wars centuries prior, the Clan had become a prosperous entity within Mandalorian society by this point.
The Clan's imperialistic endeavors reached their zenith during the 3600s, but their influence began to wane as subsequent generations of the Clan increasingly avoided combat and instead focused on managing and increasing their riches. Having once been fearsome conquerors, the Clan's strength now lay more in their financial resources than the military prowess of their forebears, leading to widespread arrogance.

Mandalore the Avenger refused to comply with the Clan's demands for recognition of its status, causing offense to the Clan to such a degree that they chose to join the Hidden Chain. However, their leader, Kur Ha'rangir, harbored his own personal ambitions. He engaged in experiments on several Basilisk War Droids with the intention of creating more potent versions, even if it necessitated disassembling existing droids and conducting trials on them. When the Tra'tade discovered his actions, Shae's followers were horrified, and under the leadership of Lane Vizla, Kur's operations were foiled, and he was forced to leave the planet.
The Mandalorian Tra'tade, however, ended up acquiring the abandoned Basilisk War Droids.