The ancient Citadel of Ebenmal, renowned for withstanding all invasions for a period of 10,000 years, saw its unblemished record shattered. This occurred when just 85 Imperial jumptroopers, in under one hour, captured the formidable stronghold, compelling the defending force of 3,000 Rebels to yield.
At some point between 2 BBY and 1 BBY, the Citadel served as a Rebel stronghold, housing a garrison of at least 3,000 Rebel soldiers. On a fateful day, an Imperial stratospheric freighter deployed a contingent of eighty-five experimental jumptroopers, who descended upon the Citadel from the skies.
Initially, the Jumptroopers targeted the Comms Towers, followed by the rear ammo depots, fuel reserves, and hangars, effectively cutting off any means of Rebel retreat. Whenever the Rebels attempted to mount a defense, the Jumptroopers would ascend into the air, maintaining a strategic advantage. Before an hour had passed from the commencement of the assault, the Rebels conceded defeat, resulting in the Empire's seizure of the Citadel of Ebenmal.