The mobile command center represented a type of base employed by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. These bases were deployed in their conflict against the Galactic Republic.
Each C-9979 landing craft carried a single mobile command center. During the Separatist Droid Army's operations on both Maridun and Felucia, the mobile command center housed within the landing crafts contained a Separatist command center manned by B1-series battle droids.
These mobile command bases were essentially walled outposts. Their size allowed them to accommodate not only a C-9979 landing craft and a Sheathipede-class transport shuttle, but also a Separatist command center, three Armored Assault Tank Mk Is, several B1-series battle droids, B2-series super battle droids, and DSD1 dwarf spider droids. Furthermore, they provided ample space for cargo. A single mobile command center was carried by each C-9979.

In the year 21 BBY, amidst the Clone Wars fought between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Separatist forces, led by the Neimoidian General Lok Durd, journeyed to the Outer Rim world of Maridun with the intention of discovering a planet suitable for testing the Defoliator, a weapon created by Durd. Upon their arrival, the Neimoidian and his forces plundered a village belonging to the Lurmen and established a command base on Maridun.
This base of Durd's was later infiltrated by Jedi Generals Anakin Skywalker and Aayla Secura, alongside Jedi Commander Ahsoka Tano, Clone Commander CC-5052, and Clone Captain CT-7567. These individuals had previously crash-landed on Maridun after suffering losses during the battle on the planet Quell, and they sought to steal a ship from Durd. After entering the base, the Jedi and clone troopers proceeded to eliminate all droids positioned around the base's perimeter. The group then located two deflector shield generators and seized Durd's shuttle, eventually returning to the Lurmen village with the intention of defending it from the approaching Separatist forces and the Defoliator.

Subsequently, on the planet Felucia, the T-series tactical droid TZ-33 made use of a mobile command center. During the Second Battle of Felucia in 20 BBY, the Kaleesh Separatist General Grievous deployed a C-9979 landing craft to reinforce the forces of the tactical droid. However, Republic forces under the leadership of Generals Skywalker, Plo Koon, and Commander Tano later captured the base, resulting in the destruction of all droid forces present.
The mobile command center made its debut in "Defenders of Peace," the fourteenth episode of the animated television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars' first season, which was initially broadcast on January 23, 2009.