Chrellis system

The Chrellis system, nestled within the Outer Rim Territories' Lahara sector, was home to the planetoid known as Chrellis. Notably, Chrellis served as the initial base for the Rebel Alliance's High Command. Furthermore, an asteroid within this system once provided refuge for an independent group of G2 repair droids.


Situated in the Lahara sector, which is part of the New Territories region of the Outer Rim Territories, the Chrellis system encompassed the small planetoid Chrellis and at least one asteroid.


A rather infamous event occurred when a band of G2 repair droids pilfered a fuel transport and established their own settlement on an asteroid within the Chrellis system. Following the establishment of the Rebel Alliance in 2 BBY, the very first base for the Alliance High Command was set up on the planetoid, under the leadership of Human General Jan Dodonna.

As the Galactic Empire reorganized its sector fleets, the Chrellis base found itself in dangerously close proximity to Imperial Navy operations, prompting a relocation to the planet Brigia in the Tion Cluster. The historical significance of the Chrellis system as the original location of the Alliance High Command base was later documented in a 25 ABY galactic historical account by the Historical Council of the New Republic, and again in its 36 ABY revised version by the Council's successor organization under the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances.

Behind the scenes

The Chrellis system was initially referenced in The Rebel Alliance Sourcebook, written by Paul Murphy and released in 1990 for use with West End Games's Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas pinpointed its location as grid square M-5.


Notes and references
