Chong, a male of the Sugi species, served Endente, an arms dealer, during the Clone Wars. As the Clone Wars neared its end, the arms dealers intended to sell a sizable kyber crystal to the Confederacy of Independent Systems located on the planet of Utapau. Obi-Wan Kenobi and [Anakin Skywalker](/article/anakin_skywalker], two Jedi from the Galactic Republic, attempted to stop the transaction, but Chong and his subordinates captured them. Chong escorted the Jedi to Endente, where they proposed buying the crystal for twice the Confederacy's offer. The Jedi were then escorted to the dealer's ship, where they managed to break free and tried to capture Endente. Chong gave chase, but Skywalker used his and Kenobi's lightsabers to eliminate the Sugi, resulting in Chong's death.
During the Clone Wars, which encompassed the entire galaxy, Chong, a male Sugi, held a high-ranking security position for the arms dealer Endente, who was also a Sugi. As the war progressed, the arms dealering group reached an agreement with the Confederacy of Independent Systems to provide them with a massive kyber crystal. They also traded precision laser dart guns to the native Amani, and employed the Amani as additional security personnel. However, Tu-Anh, a Jedi of the Galactic Republic, uncovered the scheme to sell the kyber crystal and traveled to Utapau to investigate. Her death prompted two more Jedi, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, to continue Tu-Anh's investigation. They searched Utapau's plains for the Amani working with the Sugi, but were unable to capture any. The Jedi established a camp and went to sleep for the night. While the Jedi slept, Chong, the Amani leader, and several other Sugi found them and surrounded them at gunpoint as they awoke. Two of the Sugi took the Jedi's lightsabers, and Chong led them back to his own camp. During the trek, one Sugi became curious about Skywalker's lightsaber and nearly activated the blade into his head. Skywalker, noticing this, used the Force to remotely activate the lightsaber himself, impaling the Sugi through his eye.

Chong, previously silent, became annoyed and angered by Skywalker's actions. He confronted the Jedi directly, revealing that he could speak Galactic Basic Standard, as the Jedi had assumed the Sugi were primitive. Chong asked why the Jedi had come to Utapau, and Kenobi replied that they were there to buy Sugi weapons. Chong denied the presence of any weapons, but Kenobi claimed that the Sugi's reputation as premiere arms dealers was over-estimated. Chong remained defiant, until Skywalker lied that everyone in the Outer Rim Territories knew about the Sugi's deal with the Separatists. Unsure of how to decipher the news, Chong said that he would have to advise Endente on the matter. Before moving on, Chong took both of the Jedi's lightsabers and attached them to his belt. After arriving at the Sugi camp, Chong fetched Endente and they confronted the Jedi together. Again, Kenobi claimed that they were there to buy the weapon that Endente was selling to General Grievous of the Confederacy, offering twice the amount that the Confederacy was offering. Tempted by the Jedi's financial offer, Endente took them to his ship. Once there, the Jedi were sent to a cell to be detained, and Endente and Chong contacted the Separatist leader Count Dooku. Endente wondered on what to do with the Jedi, and Dooku ordered Endente and Chong to kill them for interfering. While Endente agreed, he mentioned that the Jedi were offering to pay more than what Dooku had offered for the kyber crystal. Dooku, angered, warned Endente to not consider the Jedi's offer at all. Soon after the conversation, the Jedi escaped their Sugi captors, and Chong went after them with a number of other Sugi warriors.
Skywalker, having discovered a weapon cache, used a pair of blaster pistols, to eliminate Chong's men through a smoke screen. Impressed with the Jedi's ability, Chong nonetheless cornered the Jedi, citing that without their lightsabers, which he still possessed, they had no defenses. Once again calling upon the Force, Skywalker remotely activated both his and Kenobi's lightsabers, and telekinetically cut the Sugi down. The Jedi tried to pursue Endente, but the arms dealer escaped.
Chong was an aggressive Sugi, who was quick to anger when Skywalker killed one of his men. Upon being further annoyed by Kenobi's word-play, he threatened to kill both Jedi. He lad little patience for the Jedi, and was unsure of what to do when he was informed that his arms deal had acquired a large audience. The green-skinned Sugi accompanied Endente during the incident with the Jedi, and was impressed by Skywalker's skills with a blaster. However, he underestimated Skywalker's knowledge of the Force, and did not foresee the predicament he had placed himself in when he had placed the Jedi's lightsaber on his belt. Due to Chong's silent nature and the fact that he spoke an alien dialect to the other Sugi, the Jedi perceived him and the others as primitive.
Chong's initial appearance was in "A Death on Utapau," an incomplete episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars that was nonetheless released. Corey Burton provided Chong's voice. Though released as an unfinished "story reel" as part of The Clone Wars Legacy, the episode remains canonical, as evidenced by entries for several of its concepts and characters in the current Databank on