Choday Hrakness

Choday Hrakness was a male Human originating from the planet of Agamar.


Hrakness finished his studies at the Imperial Academy before choosing to abandon the Empire and join the Rebel Alliance. During the conflict between the New Republic and the Warlord Zsinj, Hrakness held the rank of captain within the New Republic's armed forces. After Wraith Squadron seized the Corellian Corvette Night Caller from Apwar Trigit and Warlord Zsinj, he was given command of the vessel.

Taking over from Captain Zurel Darillian as the ship's leader, Hrakness employed his abilities as a naval officer to mislead Trigit's forces. He helped Wedge Antilles's New Republic forces appear as if they were still working for Zsinj. Hrakness provided guidance to Garik Loran, Wedge Antilles, and Myn Donos regarding the typical attire and behaviors of Agamarians, aiding in their disguise for a specific operation. He also donned a black and silver uniform to impersonate the deceased Captain Darillian on the Night Caller's bridge during combat.

During the Battle of Talesea, Hrakness met his end when the Night Caller's bridge suffered catastrophic damage. Atril Tabanne then replaced him as the ship's commanding officer.

