The Cheesmeer, a frigate, served within the Galactic Alliance Defense Fleet's Second Fleet and saw action in 40 ABY during the era of the Second Galactic Civil War. This warship participated in a skirmish at a deep-space rendezvous point, pitting a Corellian decoy fleet under the command of Captain Hoclaw from the Corellian Defense Force against Galactic Alliance forces led by Fleet Admiral Tarla Limpan. Tragically, the Cheesmeer, along with the majority of the Second Fleet and the entirety of the Corellian decoy fleet, met its end due to a blast originating from Centerpoint Station, an ancient space station situated in the Corellian system. This station, equipped with a formidable hyperspace tractor beam, was activated under the authority of Five World Prime Minister Sadras Koyan.
Turl Nevil, the son of Kral Nevil, a former pilot from Rogue Squadron, held the position of weapons officer with the rank of ensign on board the Cheesmeer. During the aforementioned conflict, Turl perished along with every other member of the frigate's crew.
The novel Legacy of the Force: Fury, penned by Aaron Allston in 2007, included a reference to the Cheesmeer.