A Human male, Charle Remmot Organa, was the duke leading House of Organa during the Alderaan Civil War. This conflict occurred within the broader context of the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire. He was also a male.
Charle Organa was known to embody the finest qualities of his noble house. He stood as a staunch adversary against the reconstituted Sith Empire, a fact that led to brutal treatment of the Organa family during the Sith's brief invasion of Alderaan. When the civil war erupted on Alderaan, Charle Organa, having secretly trained a skilled and valiant battalion, sought counsel and support from the Republic to navigate the crisis.
As the war intensified, Organa sought assistance from a Republic strike team to prevent Jharkus Thul, also known as the Wolf Baron, from seizing the Spears of Organa. Despite the strike team's success in securing the spears, Thul contacted Organa via hologram, boasting about capturing numerous civilians during the battle and proposing a negotiation. Upon their meeting, Thul requested an exchange. Organa initially believed the Wolf Baron desired him, but Thul's true intention was to remove the strike team from the field, hoping to shift the odds in the upcoming battle. The strike team consented for the sake of the hostages. However, after the exchange, the liberated hostages arrived to aid their rescuers. Subsequently, the strike team spearheaded an attack on the Thul war camps. Organa reunited with his house's champions, commending them for their victory. He then revealed that the Wolf Baron had been captured during the battle and left his fate to the team's discretion. The team extended mercy to Thul, a decision that Organa praised.
Despite having eliminated a general from House Thul, who would be easily replaced, House Organa now had to focus on House Ulgo, whose leader, Bouris Ulgo, had forcibly seized the throne. Ulgo was somehow manipulating Killiks to assault Organa forces, prompting the dispatch of the strike team to investigate. The strike team later informed Organa that Ulgo was conducting horrific experiments on Killiks and that his own science commander, Keikana Herot, was attempting to replicate these experiments. In response, Organa reassigned Herot to a different position.
The character of Charle Organa was introduced in the 2011 Star Wars: The Old Republic video game.