"Chapter 24: The Return," the concluding episode of the third season of The Mandalorian, a live-action television show, marks its end. Rick Famuyiwa took the director's chair for this episode, which debuted on Disney+ on April 19, 2023.

Bo-Katan Kryze guides the remaining Mandalorians towards a secure location, informing Axe Woves that Moff Gideon has established his headquarters on Mandalore and is launching his starfighters to assault the Mandalorian fleet. Via comlink, she instructs him to evacuate the flagship and utilize it as a diversion. Asserting their disadvantage in space combat, she declares their intent to engage in ground warfare. Woves acknowledges her orders, stating his entry into the upper atmosphere to execute them. Communication suffers from the rough atmospheric conditions. Kryze and her warriors, having sought refuge in the tunnels of Sundari, find themselves in a firefight with Gideon's Imperial armored commandos, deploying grav charges to impede their pursuers.
Meanwhile, Din Djarin, under commando escort through Gideon's base corridors, manages to escape and engage his captors. A third commando deploys a flamethrower, but Djarin overpowers him, applying a restraining neckhold. One of the commandos attempts to ensnare Djarin with a whipcord around his neck, but Grogu, piloting IG-12, neutralizes the commandos with blaster fire. IG-12 then applies healing foam to Djarin and releases him from his restraints. Djarin expresses his gratitude to Grogu before stating that they must eliminate Moff Gideon, or the conflict will persist.
Kryze has meanwhile guided her surviving forces into the cave they had previously entered. Djarin makes contact, advising her that he has found Grogu and intends to confront Gideon. Kryze cautions them to exercise caution. Prompted by the Survivor Captain, the Mandalorians evacuate to the surface. Simultaneously, Gideon's TIE/IN interceptors and TIE/sa bombers commence their mission to obliterate the Mandalorian fleet.

Gideon, in his command center, is informed by a commando about the launch of the TIE interceptors and bombers, anticipating the imminent destruction of the capital ship. However, Gideon has discerned from the graphic display that Djarin has broken free. When the commando inquires about engagement protocols, Gideon puts on his Dark Trooper helmet and pledges to personally handle Djarin. Elsewhere within the base, Djarin contacts R5-D4, tasking him with infiltrating the base to pinpoint Gideon's command center location.
R5 utilizes his rocket boosters to descend into Gideon's subterranean base, evading an MSE-6 series repair droid and accessing a network terminal. R5 transmits a schematic of Gideon's base, including the command center, to Djarin, who outlines his strategy for neutralizing Gideon. He instructs Grogu and IG-12 to remain in close proximity.
Simultaneously, Woves informs the captain of the Mandalorian capital ship that the scouting party has been ambushed by Imperial remnants. He directs the captain to dispatch the Gauntlet starfighter and any available troops as reinforcements. He reiterates Kryze's orders to abandon the capital ship as a decoy. Woves assumes control of the ship while the other Mandalorians evacuate aboard dropships and the Gauntlet. Their evacuation concludes just as the Imperial TIE fighters and bombers initiate their assault on the former Imperial light cruiser.
Woves employs the ship's laser cannons and gun emplacements to defend the warship. Despite destroying some enemy starfighters and bombers, the capital ship sustains significant damage. Djarin, Grogu, and IG-12 reach Gideon's command center, which is protected by additional armored commandos and red barrier shields. Djarin instructs R5 via comlink to deactivate the shields sequentially upon his command.

Following R5's deactivation of the initial shield, Djarin engages two Imperial commandos, eliminating one with his knife and throwing the other down a tunnel. Upon Djarin's command, R5 activates the second shield. Djarin battles the two guards, armed with electro riot batons and shields, defeating them and appropriating their weapons. Djarin fights through the third line of guards. Meanwhile, a mouse droid discovers R5, but the astromech droid retaliates with an electric blast. Despite the delay, R5 successfully unlocks the fourth row of shields, and Djarin eliminates the remaining guards with a stolen blaster.
The mouse droid summons three additional mouse droids, triggering their alarms. R5 manages to escape using his rocket thrusters, dispatching one of the mouse droids over the edge. Djarin, accompanied by Grogu and IG-12, enters Gideon's laboratory, which is filled with tanks containing clones of Gideon. When one of the clones awakens, Djarin interferes with the controls, causing the tanks to explode and release their contents.

The Survivor Captain guides Kryze and her followers into a vibrant surface cave teeming with plant life. When Koska Reeves inquires about habitation, the Captain explains their reliance on hideouts and food caches dispersed throughout Mandalore. The Captain notes the presence of predators both above and below ground. When Kryze asks if they discovered underground gardens, the Captain clarifies that they cultivated farms. He elaborates that these are the original indigenous species of Mandalore, which remained dormant during the centuries preceding the Mandalorian Civil Wars. Following the planet's abandonment, they flourished once again.
Kryze expresses her astonishment that the surface can sustain plant life, having only witnessed gardens within the domed cities. The captain asserts that the plants simply require space to grow. The Armorer informs Kryze via comlink that reinforcements have arrived.

At Kryze's command, her followers put on their helmets and activate their jetpacks. United, the Mandalorians fly towards the chasm above the Imperial base and engage the armored commandos, who also use jetpacks. Kryze wields the Darksaber in combat, cutting down numerous enemy soldiers. The Armorer also eliminates several enemy soldiers with blaster fire.
Simultaneously, Djarin, Grogu, and IG-12 enter Gideon's command room. Gideon enters through another door, enraged that Djarin killed his Force-sensitive clones before they had a chance to live. Djarin fires at Gideon, but his blaster bolts deflect off his beskar armor. Djarin charges at Gideon with his jetpack, but Gideon throws him aside. The two engage in hand-to-hand combat within a hangar.
The Imperial Praetorian Guards join the fray and attack Djarin. Before they can subdue him, Grogu arrives with IG-12, creating a diversion. Djarin rushes to protect Grogu, but Gideon uses a whipcord to pull him back. During the battle, Reeves shoots down several armored commandos, while the Armorer eliminates more with her gravity hammer and magnetic tongs.
The Praetorian Guards sever IG-12's arms, but Grogu jumps to safety onto a pair of overhead platforms. Gideon burns Djarin with his flamethrower, but his armor protects him. Gideon gains the advantage due to his Dark Trooper armor. Meanwhile, Kryze takes down armored commandos in aerial combat and rams into Gideon before he can finish off Djarin. She instructs Djarin to rescue Grogu.
Gideon demands whether Kryze will surrender or fight. Kryze responds by drawing the Darksaber, prompting Gideon to draw a purple electrostaff. Meanwhile, Grogu Force jumps, but one of the Praetorian Guards cuts off a section of the platform he lands on, causing Grogu to fall. Grogu cries out in fear. Djarin arrives and shoots one of the Praetorians in the back. One of the Praetorians manages to ensnare Djarin with an electro-chain whip, but Grogu uses the Force to throw one of the Praetorians aside.
Back at the hangar, Gideon and Kryze clash with their weapons. He manages to throw Kryze against a wall. Meanwhile, Reeves battles an Imperial armored commando in mid-air before throwing him down a chasm. While Djarin fights the three Praetorians, Grogu uses his Force powers to prevent one of the Praetorians from striking Djarin with his electro-bisento. This allows Djarin to kick his attacker and shoot one of the Praetorians in the chest. Following a struggle, Djarin shoots the remaining two guards, with Grogu assisting by using the Force to pull one of their weapons out of reach. Djarin praises Grogu.

Meanwhile, Woves contacts Kryze and Reeves, informing them of his plan to crash the burning Mandalorian capital ship into Gideon's base. He instructs them to evacuate their forces. Back at the hangar, Gideon gains the upper hand over Kryze and pushes her towards the edge of a chasm. He demands that she surrender the Darksaber, but she launches another attack. However, Gideon proves too powerful and uses his gauntlet to damage the hilt of the Darksaber. He removes her helmet and kicks her to the ground.
Gideon mocks Kryze, stating that Mandalorians are weak without their trinkets. She retorts that Mandalorians are stronger together. Djarin shoots Gideon from behind, forcing him to the edge. Above, Woves escapes the stricken Mandalorian capital ship as it plummets into Gideon's underground base. While the Mandalorians evacuate the doomed base, Gideon exchanges fire with Kryze and Djarin. Grogu uses the Force to hurl Gideon's electrostaff over the edge as debris falls around them. Gideon is consumed by the inferno, but Grogu uses the Force to create a Force bubble around both Djarin and Kryze.
Following Gideon's defeat, the Armorer conducts a ceremony at the Living Waters in the Mines of Mandalore. Ragnar pledges to follow the Way of the Mandalore and adhere to the tenets of the Mandalorian Creed. She baptizes his helmet with water, declaring that this is the Way. Djarin arrives with Grogu and places him at the edge of the Living Waters. Djarin informs the Armorer that Grogu is no longer a foundling but an apprentice. He requests that she include him in the Song. Given Grogu's youth and inability to speak, she deems him too young to take the Creed, stating that he must remain a foundling.

When Djarin asks if his parents can grant him permission, the Armorer responds that Grogu's parents are far away, even if they are alive. Grogu babbles sadly. Djarin declares that he will adopt Grogu as his own. The Armorer accepts the adoption, stating that this is the Way. Djarin agrees, echoing that this is the Way. The Armorer decrees that it be written in Song that Djarin is accepting this foundling as his son. Grogu smiles as the Armorer names him Din Grogu, an apprentice. The other Mandalorians chant this is the Way.

The Armorer informs Djarin that he must now depart Mandalore and embark on his own journey, as his teacher did for him. Djarin agrees, saying this is the Way. Grogu babbles happily. Deep within the Living Waters, the mythosaur stirs. Later, the Armorer gives Kryze a flame to ignite the Great Forge. Mandalorians from both factions chant "for Mandalore" as the Forge is rekindled.
Djarin subsequently pilots his N-1 starfighter to Adelphi Base. There, he and Grogu encounter Carson Teva, who offers him a drink. Djarin declines, stating that he is there on business. While Teva pours him a drink, he thanks him for eliminating Moff Gideon. Grogu jumps onto a nearby high chair and stares at several Imperial helmets, including the head of an IG-series droid. Djarin assures Grogu that it is not IG-11, explaining that the droid's head reminds Grogu of someone he knew.
As Grogu's apprentice, Djarin proposes a business arrangement to work for the New Republic as an independent contractor. Given the New Republic's limited resources for hunting down Imperial remnants in the Outer Rim Territories, Djarin offers to serve as a bounty hunter on a case-by-case basis, targeting Imperials. Teva expresses concern that this violates regulations and will not be approved. Djarin advises him not to inform the Republic. Teva requests time to consider the proposal, but Djarin emphasizes the advantageous nature of the deal. As an advance payment, Djarin requests the head of the IG assassin droid, claiming that he requires it for parts.

In Nevarro City, High Magistrate Greef Karga informs Djarin that the citizens of Nevarro appreciate his role in repelling the pirates. He presents him with the deed to a new cabin located on the outskirts of town, suggesting that Djarin use it between adventures. The two shake hands, and Karga expresses his gratitude to Grogu as well. As a gesture of appreciation, Djarin gifts the town a rebuilt and reprogrammed IG-11, who will serve as the new Marshal of Nevarro. Several Anzellan Droidsmiths are also present. He is greeted by an applauding crowd. IG-11 declares his intention to protect and serve the citizenry. At his new cabin, Djarin watches Grogu using the Force to levitate a frog.