The Chaf Envoy, a diplomatic vessel, served Aristocra Chaf'orm'bintrano of the Fifth Ruling Family in 22 ABY during the time when Outbound Flight was rediscovered.
This vessel, the Chaf Envoy, measured slightly over two hundred meters in length. Its hull design was characterized by flat surfaces and sharp, angular edges. Its unusual look brought to mind images of an asteroid, or perhaps an unfinished sculpture resembling a Mon Calamari Star Cruiser, its roughly shaped form not yet refined into smooth curves. This aesthetic was typical for ships belonging to the Fifth Ruling Family, and specific design elements and hull markings seemingly conveyed information about the rank and responsibilities of the high-ranking official onboard.
The Chaf Envoy featured a pair of half-bays on each side, which served as docking points for shuttles and courier ships, such as the fifty-meter Jade Sabre. The forward port-side bay typically housed the ship's own hyperdrive-equipped Chiss shuttle, referred to as a glider. Important visitors were usually escorted from the docking bays to a large reception room. This room could be quickly adapted with suitable decorations to welcome dignitaries from the Chiss Ruling Families. Other rooms, including the main dining salon and guest staterooms, were smaller and more subdued in their decor, but were still elegantly furnished and thoughtfully designed.
The ship's command center, located deep within the hull, was a large room featuring a central podium for the commander, surrounded by consoles for the crew, and viewscreens mounted on the walls. A small observation gallery for ambassadorial staff and their guests was situated directly across from the main viewer. The ship's limited combat capabilities were possibly indicated by the fact that a Paskla-class ship in a military configuration could pose a significant threat.
Aboard the Chaf Envoy, the standard crew consisted of thirty enlisted personnel and four officers, including the captain. The ship also had accommodations for at least thirty-four additional personnel, including an ambassador, a senior military commander, the two squads of warriors comprising the ambassadorial honor guard, and a diplomatic staff of twenty civilians.
Typically, a diplomatic vessel of the Fifth Ruling Family would be staffed entirely by Chaf personnel. However, for the mission to Outbound Flight, the majority of the Chiss aboard the Chaf Envoy were instead members of the Chiss Expansionary Defense Force, including General Drask and a military crew under the command of Captain Talshib. Aside from Aristocra Formbi and his second niece Feesa, only two diplomatic aides wore the yellow robes of the Chaf.