Cera (Human)

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A female Human named Cera served as part of a Republic archaeological salvage crew stationed in Olaris, which was located on Taris, during the era known as the Cold War. A significant portion of her team perished when they were ambushed and separated by rakghouls, leaving only Cera and her Sullustan associate, Garthe, as the remaining survivors. She then implored a wandering hero to locate her missing teammates and ascertain if any of them were still living. Following the hero's return with the unfortunate information, they also exposed the illicit activities of Garthe and Elihsu, who had been engaging in theft. Subsequently, Cera requested that the hero look into the possibility of a rakghoul pack acting as guardians for her people's forebears.

Behind the scenes

Cera is a character featured in "The Corpse Counters" mission of Star Wars: The Old Republic, a game developed by BioWare and released in 2011.

