Celia Durasha, hailing from Lankashiir and identified as a Human female, belonged to the Durasha family. She was the sibling of Raine Durasha, who had two other brothers, and was known as Crimson, a moniker bestowed upon her by Detien Kaileel.
Celia initially intended to follow her brothers' path into the Imperial Navy, but her father, a Commander within the fleet, prevented her from enlisting in the Imperial Academy, as he deemed it unsuitable for women. This decision fueled resentment in Celia, compelling her to seek alternative career options.
Prior to the destruction of Alderaan which took place in 0 BBY, Celia served as the navigator on board the vessel known as the Kuari Princess. She experienced considerable turmoil upon learning of her brother Raine's demise at the hands of the Rebel Alliance on Ralltiir; he was an Imperial soldier. Simultaneously, a close associate aboard the Kuari Princess was exposed as a Rebel operative. Following the death of her friend by the Imperial officer Adion Lang, a former romantic partner, Celia fled the ship using a passenger transport. The loss of her brother to the Rebellion and her friend to the Empire left her with animosity toward both factions.
Subsequently, Crimson embarked on a career as a free-trader and smuggler, owning the YT-1300 light freighter named the Starlight Red. She was prone to engaging in what her protocol droid characterized as "heroic antics," and she also had a habit of talking excessively—at least according to the droid—during hyperspace journeys.

When Imperial Customs apprehended her at Byblos Starport Tower 214, her protocol droid, U-THR, stepped into an unexpected heroic role and orchestrated her escape.
Crimson eventually developed romantic feelings for Corellian smuggler Kaj Nedmak and undertook multiple assignments alongside him for underworld leaders Bwahl, a Hutt, and Rass M'Guy. However, when a smuggling operation went awry, Bwahl contracted the bounty hunter Thune to capture them. Thune pursued them to Ord Mantell and nearly succeeded, almost killing Kaj in the process, but the smugglers managed to outmaneuver her and escape, seizing both her ship and her droid, U-THR.