Cathedral ship

The Cathedral ship represented a warship employed by the Pius Dea Republic.


During the Pius Dea Crusades, the Pius Dea utilized cathedral ships to conquer alien planets. Because the Pius-Dea controlled Republic's administrative system was rife with favoritism and cronyism, these ships were led by missionaries and staffed by the offspring of Republic Navy personnel who had affiliated with the religious group. By the time the 11,500s BBY arrived, the cathedral ships had grown vital to the Republic's burgeoning system of Ordnance/Regional Depots situated along the Rim Frontier.

As the Crusades drew to a close, a significant number of ships were affected by a malfunctioning navicomputer programming sequence created by the Bureau of Ships and Services, causing them to initiate random jumps into hyperspace and become marooned in the vast expanse of interstellar space. This navicode also rendered their navigation systems, faster-than-light propulsion, and communication capabilities inoperable. With no means to reactivate their hyperdrives and return to normal space, many of the Pius Dea crew members trapped on these vessels succumbed to starvation. The remaining ships were ultimately vanquished by Renunciate battleships, leading to the termination of Pius Dea dominance.


Notes and references
