Lady Carisica Vanq, a Devaronian noble of the female persuasion, possessed considerable wealth and resided on the planet of Danteel, specifically in Danteel City at an estate she owned, during the era when the Galactic Empire held sway. Her possessions included a number of unique and precious artifacts, most notably a prized Tchine sculpture. Moreover, she entered into a competitive business relationship with Veilred Jydor, a financier who also operated a casino. In the course of the Galactic Civil War, Vanq met her death at the hands of Rovi, a Human, who fatally shot her in the upper body with a single blaster shot. Darim Chumu, Rovi's employer and business manager, planned to implicate Jydor in the crime. To this end, Rovi left a fabricated message, supposedly from Vanq, which falsely accused Jydor of being responsible for her demise.