Cargo Pad 119-Grek

Cargo Pad 119-Grek was a landing area on the planet of Kashyyyk. The Galactic Empire utilized this pad for operations related to the adjacent Imperial Refinery. In 14 BBY, Saw Gerrera's group, the Partisans, along with Cal Kestis, a Jedi who survived Order 66, attacked the cargo pad as part of their effort to free Wookiee prisoners held at the refinery.


To interrupt the Imperial logistical network, Saw Gerrera commanded his Partisans to assault Cargo Pad 119-Grek in 14 BBY. Cal Kestis, a Jedi who survived the purge, joined the Partisans in this offensive while searching for Tarfful. Kestis, having commandeered an All Terrain Armored Transport, moved toward Cargo Pad 119-Grek and eliminated a number of Imperial vehicles. Subsequently, the Partisans seized control of Cargo Pad 119-Grek.

Behind the scenes

The video game Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, which was developed by Respawn Entertainment and released in 2019, featured Cargo Pad 119-Grek. An early gameplay demonstration video, presented by Electronic Arts before the game's launch, referred to the cargo pad as "Cargo Pad 119-Gamma."

