Carba Asteroid Belt

The Carba Asteroid Belt, located in the Bacrana system, presented a significant hazard to spacecraft due to its considerable size, high density, and challenging navigational conditions. This asteroid field was situated in the third orbital path, positioned between the planets Bacrana and Tomik.

Navigating the asteroid belt was notably challenging because of its high concentration of space rocks. Frequent collisions among the asteroids, often with considerable force, could eject them from the belt and into open space. To prevent these stray asteroids from entering established space routes, both the Galactic Empire and the Bacrana System Defense Force routinely patrolled the region. Despite these regular patrols, the Rebel Alliance maintained a presence within the belt, operating two observation posts, Outpost C-1 and [Outpost C-2], which were constructed within two of the larger asteroids.


  • Flashpoint! Brak Sector

Notes and references
