Capture of Doogal Belstar

The apprehension of Doogal Belstar was an undertaking executed by the local police force of Keren, assisted by operatives from the Royal Naboo Security Forces under the command of Typho.


In the early years of the Galactic Civil War, the Maulers, a criminal syndicate, presented a grave danger to the peace-loving inhabitants of Naboo. Among their ranks was Doogal Belstar, who at that point in time was the most sought-after individual on Naboo. The Royal Security Police Force, generally understaffed, had its numbers reinforced by the RSF agents who had previously and successfully raided the Skaak Tippers hideout, eliminating one of their key leaders. Consequently, Typho resolved to attempt the capture of Doogal.

The operation

The Mauler Apprentice Camp.

Typho had a suspicion that the Maulers might possess knowledge of Belstar's location, leading him to dispatch the RSF agents to ascertain if they could extract any information from a group of Mauler Apprentices. This endeavor resulted in a conflict between the RSF agents and some of the Maulers in the vicinity of the Mauler Apprentice Camp. Following their victory over the Maulers, the RSF agents discovered a map of Naboo with a specific location highlighted. The RSF agents then connected with RSF Officer Nok, who informed them of sightings of Belstar engaging in activities near that marked location. Therefore, they might find further information regarding Belstar's whereabouts at that location, a cemetery near Keren. Upon reaching the location, they discovered a package that revealed Belstar's location. Proceeding to the indicated location, they encountered Belstar. Given his aggressive stance, they perceived no alternative but to engage him in combat, ultimately succeeding in eliminating him along with several other Maulers before reporting back to Typho.

Officer Nok at the small Nabooian cemetery.


Despite this setback, the Maulers persisted in their unlawful conduct, prompting the dispatch of the RSF agents on multiple missions aimed at thwarting their activities. Subsequently, they were placed under the command of Pooja Naberrie.

