Camp Pa'aal Squadron

Camp Pa'aal Squadron is the moniker given to the group of Imperial survivors who were captured by the Yevetha and forced into slavery on the planet Pa'aal.


In 17 ABY, the Imperial prisoners, under the leadership of Sil Sorannan, staged a revolt and adopted the name Camp Pa'aal Squadron. Although they held no affection for the New Republic, their hatred for their Yevetha slaveholders was even greater. At a crucial moment during the Battle of N'zoth, they seized control of the Yevethan vessels, eliminating the majority of the Yevetha crew, and fled to Emperor Palpatine's former seat of power, Byss, located in the Deep Core. After discovering that the planet had been destroyed a few years prior, the squadron disbanded. Some members enlisted in the Imperial Remnant, while others switched their allegiance to the New Republic, and still others ventured off to destinations that remain a mystery.

