
During the era of the New Order, an antiques emporium known as Callia's was situated on the luxury liner Cal Ambre. Retter Lewis was the proprietor and operator of this establishment, which specialized in rare and peculiar religious relics. However, it also functioned clandestinely as a front for a Rebel network.


Nestled on the Cal Ambre's main mall level, the shop's location was in between Larjh StarCorporation and an exclusive vendor of fine clothing.


The shop's layout encompassed two levels. The lower level featured a public gallery at the front, designed to resemble a museum. Artifacts were showcased on displays, complete with holorepresentations. Prices were conspicuously absent from the artifacts, predicated on the notion that potential buyers who needed to inquire about the price were unlikely to be able to afford the items. A more secluded gallery at the rear catered to serious buyers. This exclusive space housed the most valuable artifacts, many of which were associated with the Force. While casual shoppers were denied entry, agents of Emperor Palpatine frequently acquired these Force-related items. The upper level was reserved for storage facilities, vaults, and office spaces.


Retter Lewis, a scholar and artifact specialist, both owned and ran the shop. He employed two individuals on a permanent basis. Graff Teiras held the position of store manager and acted as a liaison with shippers, sellers, and dealers. Halacc Demior fulfilled the dual roles of accountant and bodyguard. A-3PO, a silver 3PO-series protocol droid, provided translation services. During periods of high activity, additional staff, primarily university students, were brought in.


A highly advanced security system protected the shop. While Retter Lewis employed Halacc Demior as his personal bodyguard, he depended on the Cal Ambre's internal security forces for protection from external threats.


Legit business

Retter maintained a network of contacts throughout the galaxy, acquiring unique items and artifacts from estates and explorers for resale in his shop. These items were then sold to wealthy collectors and universities. The shop experienced a continuous flow of couriers, customers, and dealers. Callia's was frequently visited by influential Imperial figures, including nobles, bureaucrats, and officers, as well as agents of the Emperor seeking Force-related artifacts.

Rebel cell

Retter's shop provided an ideal disguise for a Rebel transportation network. Retter, Halacc, and Graff coordinated routes and destinations for Imperial officers and officials seeking to defect, as well as Rebel agents fleeing the Core Worlds. Rebel agents alerted Retter to incoming "hot properties," and Retter arranged their transfer to Rebel safe worlds. Individuals either disembarked the ship using falsified identification or were smuggled off board. Due to Retter's respected status among several high-ranking Imperials, Imperial Customs agents rarely inspected Retter's cargo. Although Retter Lewis orchestrated the entire operation, his artifact dealing activities occupied the majority of his time. Graff, his chief lieutenant, oversaw the network's daily operations and schedule, while also maintaining communication with the Rebel Alliance. Halacc, a skilled combat expert, assisted in operational matters.

