Caet Shrovl

title: Caet Shrovl

Caet Shrovl was a Shistavanen Wolfwoman exhibiting albino characteristics.


Although not native to Uvena III, she spent her formative years on this planet, her mother's homeworld. This resulted in a rather isolated childhood. In her quest to find a life partner, she became affiliated with the Khuiumin Survivors. Due to her uncommon genetic condition, she was extremely vulnerable to sunlight, necessitating the use of a thick cloak and tinted goggles for daytime protection. Conversely, this sensitivity gave her an advantage in dogfights occurring in lightless regions of realspace, known as "voidfights".

Corran Horn encountered her while posing as Jenos Idanian, a pilot within the Survivors' ranks. Their initial interaction occurred when Corran, in an attempt to project a tough persona, evicted his neighbor from the superior apartment next to his own. Her response to his forceful knocking at her door was a snarl revealing her fangs, prompting Corran to simply say "nice to meet you" before quickly departing.

Their subsequent meeting took place after a shared pirate mission. During this mission, Corran compelled her to allow a disabled enemy to escape, earning him a scar and a measure of respect. She and Timmser, another Survivor pilot, developed a close friendship, frequently spending their leisure time together. They confided in one another about their struggles and motivations for joining the Invids, although Jenos' stated reasons differed slightly from Horn's due to his assumed identity. Under Horn's guidance, her piloting skills improved significantly. He even managed to elicit information about her past, discovering that she had been exploited by Remart Sasyru, another Survivor pilot and Idanian's rival.

Alongside Timmser, Caet teased Corran/Jenos about his apparent jealousy of Leonia Tavira's preference for Sasyru, which Corran initially denied vehemently. However, these jibes, combined with the insightful observations of the Caamasi Elegos A'Kla, spurred Corran to self-reflection, ultimately enabling him to resist the allure of the Dark Side's temptations as embodied by Tavira.

When Corran launched an assault on the Courkrus's Invid pirate stronghold, she and Timmser escaped the planet aboard a hyperdrive-equipped Tri-fighter.

