Byalfin Dyur

Byaflin Dyur was a male pirate of the Bothan species who commanded the vessel known as the Boneyard Rendezvous. In the year 40 ABY, he and his crew received communication from the Sith Lady Lumiya.


The Task Assigned to Byalfin

Dyur and his crew were designated to participate in an exercise designed to assess the moral character and abilities of the young Ben Skywalker. The goal was to determine if he was suitable to become Jacen Solo's Sith apprentice, or if he should be sacrificed. Lumiya, impersonating Jacen, instructed Ben to acquire the Amulet of Kalara by stealing it from the Tendrando Arms offices located on the Almanian moon of Drewwa. The Boneyard was positioned in a docking bay close to the office building, falsely identified as the High Tide, under the guise of operating a droid sales business.

However, the plan changed and Drewwa was no longer to be Skywalker's testing ground. Lumiya commanded Dyur to seize the amulet and deliver it to a courier named Faskus, with instructions to transport it to a specific cave on Ziost. Faskus journeyed to Ziost in his ship, the Blacktooth, and while on the ground, one of Dyur's TIE/LN starfighters attacked his ship, inflicting a mortal wound as he rushed back to protect his young daughter Kiara. When Skywalker arrived on Ziost in search of Faskus, Dyur also ensured that the BTL Y-wing starfighter he had used for transport was destroyed. The young Jedi was now forced to prove his worth, while constantly monitored from orbit by the pirate captain.

Upon Dyur's report to Lumiya that Skywalker had taken Kiara under his protection, she gave the order to eliminate both the boy and the child. The Bothan dispatched Keldan in one of their bronze-colored TIE Fighters to carry out these instructions. However, Dyur was surprised to discover that Skywalker used The Force to hurl rocks at the fighter, compelling the pirate to retreat. The following day, Chev Ovvit was sent to complete the mission. Yet again, Skywalker confounded the pirate captain by drawing the fighter into the shadows of a temple and collapsing a rockfall upon it.

Skywalker's Retaliation

Believing that the boy was stranded on the planet's surface, Dyur was once more taken aback when Hirrtu, his communications officer, informed him that a craft had departed from the ruined temple. He issued orders to prepare for battle and initiated an attack on the craft. However, the Ziost ship proved too agile, and Skywalker launched magnetically accelerated projectiles into the freighter's hull, breaching the superstructure and causing extensive damage. Dyur steered the freighter away and descended into Ziost's atmosphere. Skywalker disabled his comm antennae as he retreated, but then decided against pursuing the freighter any further.

